Grids make up a major portion of web design. Design with grids, they say, before you can break them. Thanks to Elementary, you have all the help you need to design and build the grid layout of your dreams.
Here’s one for the Lazy ones – Templates
Lazy isn’t bad, lazy can be smart, lazy can be genius.
Elementary comes with 15+ pre-built elements templates which you can use to build your grid. These templates come with unique
- appearances,
- fields and
- animations
Brilliant! What else?
Here’s one for the Curious ones – Atomic Style Editor
Curiosity is the birthplace of  innovation. Atomic Style Editor gives you atomic control over how your elements appear. Here is a quick demo below,
Here’s one for the Playful ones – Drag and Drop
Play brings out the creativity, now you can play by dragging and dropping layout elements to make new and unique layouts. Here’s how easy it is,
Here’s to you trying it already, Try Elementary Now